Counceling hour

We offer a counceling hour!

Every Wednesday 2pm-4pm at Albertstraße 14a, Room 00012


Due to Corona: We are not in the office but available via mail and per telephone!!


We can help you with:

  • General information about "Uni für Alle", further education in Germany and Baden-Württemberg
  • Applications and registration forms (for scholarships, BaföG, approval application)
  • Questions and problems with studies at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität

(in German or English)


Wednesday between 2 and 4pm

You can also make an appointment for your personal counceling hour; please write us an E-mail:




Albertstraße 14a
Room 00012
79104 Freiburg i.B.

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We speak German, English, French, Spanish and Arabic.

Translators for other languages may be invited if you notify us in advance.